ALL About Me
Artist Statement
Recreating the human form or representing human desires and aspirations in a doll, an animal, or even a puppet made by hand is one of the most fulfilling endeavors I could imagine for myself. From the original sketch concept to material selections to the finished work, each figure carries with it a uniqueness and energy that is shared with the client or audience as they engage with the piece. People connect with my work on a tactile level opening their imagination and sparking a sense of joy.
I have created original pieces in cloth clay and even wood for more than thirty years, and have also taught my art process to others. My work has been featured in several magazines and can be found in many private collections, including a commissioned piece permanently housed in the art collection at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and the Harvard Law Library.
Upcoming Projects
So many things on the table and in the queue. My cloth dolls, painting and other handwork has been put on pause for the time being as so I can concentrate more fully on making wooden puppets. A very challenging and completely different path for me. A brand new experience that I look forward to sharing the accomplishments along with the frustrations of learning a whole new skill in creative expression.